Hello World! We’re (finally) online
Welcome to the launch of my new blog! Honestly, I can’t believe we’re here. This is something I’ve had in the works for years. Over and over again, I’ve always said “I really want to make a blog”, and in small bursts I’ve been moving towards it becoming a reality, but it would be eventually dropped for some reason or another. But now we’re here, and it’s live!
As to what it’s for, well that’s an open question. I’m going to be endeavouring to make this mostly about software engineering, programming (yep added that as it’s own thing) and startups. But it’ll also potentially include other things like martial arts, since I have a few things that take up my waking hours.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. This blog will be continually evolving, and I hope you continue to visit and read my ramblings. Tune in for my next article, where I actually dive into the reasons why I started this blog!